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Belgrade - what to see and visit in one afternoon?

Belgrade- Paw traveller

An afternoon tour through Belgrade which combines gastronomic delights, history and Orthodoxy, sports and walks in nature.

I imagine you're in the downtown, thinking about a great night out in the good clubs on the banks of the rivers from last night, and now you need just to sit down to have a plate of soup and taste something from authentic Serbian cuisine before you continue on a tour around Belgrade and its surroundings.

If you are tired of visiting restaurants with modern interiors, artificial dishes and fancy drinks, and if you want to feel the spirit of old times, go to Zlatno burence - a real Belgrade bohemian inn, one of the few that kept the authentic interior and domestic atmosphere. 

The old local dishes and excellent Serbian cuisine are served here , for which most of us have forgotten that exists on the restaurant menus.
This legendary Belgrade inn exists since 1866, and when was opened it was situated on the ground house, and was a place of gathering where volunteers from the Serbian-Turkish War was comming. 
In the thirties of the twentieth century, the house was knock-down and in its place was built a present building with a characteristic barrel on the facade.

And in this cafe was also filmed the famous serbian "Žikina dinastija".

This restaurant is definitely a cult place in Belgrade and one of the last bohemian havens, a fond memory of the past that still resists to all modern trends.

The temple of Saint Sava- Paw traveller
You finished your soup and now you can go on. Let your next destination be St. Sava's Temple.

A beautifully landscaped environment awaits you, and the temple itself, which, although not yet completed, is worth a visit and see because this magnificent temple is the largest Orthodox temple in the Balkans. This temple in neo-byzantine style is dedicated to Rastko Nemanjic - Saint Sava, the first Serbian enlightener.

The temple of Saint Sava- Paw traveller
It takes about an hour for this tour. To visit the plateau in front of the temple, to peek inside and view everything, especially frescos that are extraordinary.

Of course, you can always stay longer and enjoy this place with a strong religious significance that exudes peace and spirituality.

In the afternoon, continue to Rajko Mitić Stadion- the famous Serbian Marakana, and visit the Museum of Red Star Football Club.

Rajko Mitić was the first star of Red Star and has played 572 games for this football club. In former SFRY he made an incredible result with his club by winning six national titles. 

Rajko Mitić Stadion is the largest football stadion in Serbia and is home to the Red Star football club, one of the most trophy clubs in the Balkans.

Rajko Mitić Stadion- Paw traveller
You can visit the museum here and buy something in the boutiques.
In the Red Star boutique you can buy jerseys and other souvenirs with the Red Star label, and in the Delija boutique you can get all kinds of cheerleading equipment and buy clothes with fan symbols.
The Red Star Museum is a place of emotion, love and passion, and represents a place for all red-white fans, but also for all fans of football history who, I'm sure, will be delighted with the content.

Among other trophies here is the biggest trophy-cup that Red Star won in 1991 in Bari in the European Champions Cup, becoming the best club in Europe.

Collection of trophies- Paw traveller
In this significant building, which testifies of the rich history and successes of Red Star, all the years of success and victories of this club are united together.
All these triumphs are presented in the most beautiful way through a unique collection of trophies, cups and awards.

And for the end of the afternoom tour- Avala

If you like to walk, Avala is the right choice!

War Veteran Monument- Paw traveller
As you are going up following the curving road, you will first come across the War Veterans Monument who were died in plane crash accident that happened in 1964.

In this terrible accident, a whole delegation of the former SSSR, who set out to Belgrade to celebrate the 20th anniversary of liberation in World War II, lost their lifes.
Marshal Birjuzov, General Ždanov, five other members of the delegation and all eleven crew members, lost their lifes here.
This is a memorial to all the tragically died in this accident, and a memorial to the fraternity and community in fighting in the war.

Paw traveller- Caryatids
Continue your Avala adventure by visiting the Monument to the Unknown Hero.

The monument was built in honor of all those killed in the wars from 1912 to 1918 at the request of King Alexander, and is the work of the famous Yugoslav sculptor Ivan Meštrović.

It is set on a five-storey granite pedestal that symbolizes five centuries under the Turkish rule.
Eight caryatids on the Monument to the Unknown Hero on Avala represent six republics and two baninas of former Yugoslavia. Each of them is four meters high and carved from one piece of stone.

Caryatids are individually dressed in the costumes of their republic or banias. On the front of the monument on the right side are Serbian woman and Montenegrin woman, on the left are Croatian and Slovenia, while on the back, towards Šumadija, on the right side are woman from Vojvodina and Macedonia and on the left are woman from Bosnia and Dalmacia.
A circular footpath goes around the entire complex, a true walking paradise.
You would think at first that you were missing some content here, but actualy not because it would only disrupt the peace of this place.
Without a doubt, the monument to the Unknown Hero is worth a visit!

Avala tower- Paw traveller
And for the end of this tour, the Avala Tower - a symbol of Belgrade.

This is certainly one of the places to visit in Belgrade, and the view from the top of the tower is amazing!

The original tower was demolished on April 29, 1999 during the bombing of former Socialist Republic of Yugoslavia.
In its cross-section it had an equilateral triangle that symbolized the "tronožac"- serbian small stool set on three legs, which is part of the old Serbian tradition.

The present tower is built on the site of the demolished tower and modeled on it, which is a place that should definitely not be missed if you are in Belgrade for a few days.

Souvenir shop- Serbian Tourist Organization- Paw traveller
From the top of the tower there is a magnificent view of Belgrade and its surroundings, as well as Šumadija, Srem and Banat. There is also a restaurant here where you can take a breath and admire the view from the tower itself.

At the ground level of the tower, next to the ticket office, in a beautifully decorated setting, you will find a well-stocked souvenir shop of the Serbian Tourist Organization, where you can buy souvenirs and authentic Serbian products.

Welcome to Belgrade!

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