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A trip or a holiday with a dog, the question is now?!

 From the first paw, tips for traveling with a dog

So, how do you decide if it's always a good idea to take your furry friend with you, or if it's sometimes better to leave them at home?

Paw traveller
All those who have traveled with a dog will agree with the two of us that traveling with a dog is like traveling with children. But those who are just planning to do it should know what challenges await them and what they should keep in mind before embarking on such an adventure.

Wof, yes... first comes packing before the trip, which involves serious planning, and you can also make a list so you don't forget anything.

Put on the list our cribs, bowls for water and food, clothes if we are traveling to a colder destination, a small dog pharmacy, a certain amount of food that we are used to, and of course toys that we may not play with because a thousand interesting things are waiting for us... but still let them be there because they create a sense of familiarity.

Wof, let's move on... we should also write down the phone numbers of the veterinary stations closest to the place where we are staying. It's always better to think ahead and have everything prepared.
Take into account that during the drive we can get sick, so a special diet before the trip is desirable.
Paw traveller

Usually, traveling with a furry four-legged friend is a little different than traveling with your own kind, so expect that you won't enjoy all the things you would if you didn't bring your adorable furry friend along... but trust us, you'll be charmed while you are watching your best friend's reactions to different things that they normally don't get to experience at home.
The great thing is that you'll do some activities on vacation that you wouldn't normally do without the companionship of this wonderfully adorable creature.
All in all, you will do some things as usual when you are on vacation, and for those that you will not be able to do because you are with your four-legged friend, you will have good compensation.

And now, give us an honest answer to another important question - Is it really a family vacation if you leave your dog at home?

Paw traveller
If you plan everything carefully and decide to take your pet with you, we are both convinced that the family vacation will be more interesting for everyone.
When choosing a trip or vacation destination, be sure to consider your dog's needs and consider whether he will enjoy it too.

Let's say, a weekend in Venice may sound romantic to you, but will your furry friend really enjoy walking through the crowded streets, shopping and sightseeing, or will he feel better roaming freely on a beach or exploring the forests of a national park? 

No, we do not intend to dissuade you from romantic trips, we just want you to think about everything and be wise in your planning!

Before deciding to have your best friend go somewhere with you, always think about whether he will have a good time too, whether he will be relaxed around other dogs or in crowds.
If you think that he will not feel comfortable, that he will feel afraid or bored, it may be better not to bring him or to make another choice.

Wof, for example, if he doesn't know how to behave in a restaurant and is really noisy, and your attempts to calm him remain useless, it might be better to abandon the idea and go on a picnic.

Paw traveller
No, no, the two of us don't intend to dissuade you from going to a romantic dinner at a restaurant, we're just saying what's better...

When traveling with a dog you always have to consider whether your dog will disturb others and keep their comfort in mind.

Although it is hard to believe, especially from our perspective, not everyone loves animals, some have allergies, and some are afraid.

When walking in urban areas, always keep your pet on a leash, and if you want it to keep you company in a cafe or restaurant, always ask if the place is pet friendly.

If you have already taken us, your first responsibility is us, and it is your duty to take care of us in every possible way and in every place we visit.
If, for example, we are on the beach, except that you won't let us wipe ourselves on other people's towels, and believe us when we say that we will try to do just that, provide us with a shade under an umbrella, plenty of fresh drinking water, and don't forget to cool us down from time to time waves even if we don't seem in the mood for a bath.
Traveling with a dog brings great joy to everyone that's for sure! 

Read more of our tips from the first paw at the links below:

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